All events at First Trinity Church (533 N. Neville), unless otherwise noted.
Check out events on our Google calendar.
- Sundays – Adult Bible Study, 9:45 a.m.
- Sundays – Divine Worship, 11:00 a.m. – adhering to CDC guidelines on distancing, facemasks, etc. Also, streaming live here.
- Sundays – Student lunch, 12:30 p.m. (during the academic year)
- Sundays – FTHM (Homeless Ministry), 12:30 p.m. Watch this video from the beginnings of FTHM (2008).
- English as a Second Language (ESL) class, TBD
- Wednesdays – LSF Dinner, 7:00p.m. (during the academic year)
- Wednesdays – LSF Bible Study, 8:00 p.m. (during the academic year) [online and in-person, following all CDC guidelines]
- Wednesdays – Evening Prayer, 9:00 p.m. (during the academic year)
Monthly & Special Events:
Many other social, service, worship, retreat, mission, and study opportunities are offered throughout the year. Just one example: the second Saturday of each month (SSS) we get together late afternoon/evening for dinner, a movie, games, bonfire, etc., often at the home of parishioners or friends. Please contact us at or 412-683-4121 for more information.
Please remember that in addition to the rides we offer during the academic year each Sunday to worship, if you need a ride to any other event, just let Pastor Andræ know! Also, the following PAT Bus routes stop within a block or less of First Trinity: 71A, 71B, 71C, 71D, 28X, 54, 75, P3. Several routes on the Pitt (10A, 10B, 20A, 20B) and CMU shuttles also stop nearby. If you prefer to walk, First Trinity is only approx. 10 minutes from the center of CMU’s and Pitt’s campuses, and another 15 minutes from Chatham and Carlow. You can also make use of the Healthy Ride bike share, which has a rack half a block from the church:
To be kept updated on our many student events, join our announcement e-group by sending an e-mail to with “sub ISM-LSF” in the subject line. Please include at least your first name and school.